Photographic evidence that yours-truly attended the 2008 Phyrangufest, at the Wynkoop brewpub, in down-town Denver! PZ (right) looks like he was caught a little off guard by the spur-of-the-moment photo-op, but thats ok... isn't the giant tapestry in the background the coolest? You should go to the Wynkoop to check it out in person. Oh, and the girl who took this photo is unbelievably hot. Really, she is, but I don't have her picture, so you'll just have to accept my word on blind faith.
1 comment:
It's not my fault PZ was sticking his tongue out at the camera when I took the pic! It is also the camera's fault for taking such a pic! I wash my hands of the blame.
-Extremo ~(@)~
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