For all you Linux users out there, I just discovered something wonderfully useful at the Bash command line: tab completion suggestions. See this pic to get a better idea what I'm talking about:
For the above example, I typed "to", then hit the "tab" key. As expected, my computer beeped, indicating "hey, dummy there are a bunch of matches, how am I supposed to figure out which one you want?". To get a list of the possible matches, hit the "tab" key again. Then it prints out all of the available choices. Why hadn't I discovered this sooner?
Oh, and if you think my custom cursor is nifty, here's the line of code to put in your ~/.bashrc file:
PS1='\n================================\n\[\033[01;32m\]\h\[\033[00m\]:\n \[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\n > '
I like having a nice separation between command outputs. It also gives me a double-clickable path (for quick copying), I never have to type "pwd" to remind myself where I am, and can quickly see which machine I'm logged into. Uber handy.
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