Friday, February 12, 2010

Spelling and Dictionary Lookups at Bash Command Line

If you've ever wanted an easy way to look up a word in the dictionary, or spell check a word at the command line (in Linux), I've come up with a simple way to do it.

First, make sure you have aspell and curl installed, then simply paste the following functions into your .bashrc file:

function dictlookup
curl dict://$1

function spellcheck
echo "$1" | aspell -a -c | grep "&"

Now you can do things like this:

> spellcheck antecedant


> dictlookup antecedent


1 comment:

Thomas said...

as in
"Excellent \Ex"cel*lent\, adv.
Excellently; eminently; exceedingly. [Obs.] "This comes off
well and excellent." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]"

Love it!